The school must be notified of allergies or medical problems. Any student with an elevated temperature will be sent home and cannot return to school for the next 24 hours. Any student who has vomited will be sent home and cannot return to school until 24hrs after the vomiting occurred. Parents will be notified of any injury to the head.
Minor foreign bodies in the eye will be washed with eyewash solution. If that treatment is ineffective, parents will be notified.
Bug bites and occasional minor rashes will be treated with 1% hydrocortisone cream All cuts will be washed with water and antibacterial spray or an antiseptic wipe. At times, first aid cream and/or Antibacterial spray will be used on cuts and abrasions. Antibiotic ointment will be used if the cut is considered deep or dirty.
Any student who is unable to participate in gym class for more than one week must have a written directive from a physician. When a student is to be excused from a single gym period, a parent must send a written note.
The school should be notified if a student develops a new medical condition during the school year or if a child is ill with a communicable disease (other than routine colds and flu). Parents should call the office if they have any questions about policies or procedures or if they need special accommodations for their child.
Personal Hygiene
Basic personal hygiene (i.e. routine showering, hair shampooing, nail cleaning and
clipping) is expected of all students. As students mature, deodorant should be used as needed, especially on Physical Education days. Perfume, cologne and scented lotions are not permitted.