Throughout the month, parents will have the option to sign up for lunches delivered to RMA.
Regina Maria Academy is a bring your own lunch and snack school. If a student forgets his or her lunch, the parents will be notified via phone. In the event the parent is unable to bring their child's lunch and snack to school, the school will provide the student a lunch, however, this will only be in emergency situations.
Gum may only be permitted in school for students who may need it to help with concentration. Recreational gum chewing is not permitted. Blowing bubbles or distracting chewing is not permitted. Chewing gum during Mass is not permitted. The freedom to chew gum can be revoked if it is abused or becomes a distraction.
During indoor breaks or recess, snacks are to be eaten in the classroom. No food or drink is allowed in the hallways. Younger students may be allowed to eat snacks outside during recess periods. At such times, all wrappers, containers, and waste material must be discarded in the proper receptacles.